Now we find that Deep Throat, aka Mark Felt has passed on. And it turns out he hated his role as a informant to Woodward and Bernstein. When Mr. Felt was asked in 1999 before the world knew his role in Watergate, if he was Deep Throat, he said:
It's too bad really that Mr. Felt did not feel prouder for his contribution in bringing Nixon down. His service was a great one for America. Sure, it may have made us Americans unusually suspicious and cynical about government. But at least we found out the truth."It would be terrible," Felt replied. "This would completely undermine the reputation that you might have as a loyal, logical employee of the FBI. It just wouldn't fit at all."
But a lot of people thought Deep Throat was a hero for getting the truth out about Richard Nixon's crimes in the White House.
"That's not my view at all," he said. "It would be contrary to my responsibility as a loyal employee of the FBI to leak information."
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