Wednesday, January 21, 2009

The First Day

Not a bad first day for Mr. Obama. He probably accomplished more in one day than George Bush did in his whole last month. Some of the highlights:

WASHINGTON — President Obama moved quickly on Wednesday to lay some touchstones for the “more responsible, more accountable government” he has promised, ordering a salary freeze for senior White House staff, tightening rules on lobbyists and establishing what he said was a new standard of greater government openness...

One of the pressing issues confronting Mr. Obama is the conflict in Gaza, and his press spokesman said the president called four Middle East leaders — President Hosni Mubarak of Egypt, Prime Minister Ehud Olmert of Israel, King Abdullah of Jordan, and President Mahmoud Abbas of the Palestinian Authority — in a renewed pursuit of peace.

On Tuesday night, he took an initial step to realize a promise to close the detention center in Guantánamo Bay, Cuba, by ordering an immediate halt to all pending military war crimes trials for 120 days as he reviews the handling of terror suspects.

The president also planned to meet with top military advisers to chart a rapid troop drawdown from Iraq and a way forward in Afghanistan, and with his economic team regarding the grave financial crisis preoccupying Americans.

Iraq, Afghanistan, Gaza, Israel and ethics reform in one day? My boy is pimpin'.

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