Monday, February 23, 2009

An Apple smackdown

I feel this guy a little, although I think he's a bit over the top and is generalizing a bit. I have used a lot of Apples at past jobs and thought they were great computers and have considered buying one and will probably own an Apple laptop in the future, I'm sure. But, I must say the whole "cool code" with Apple bugs the shit out of me. Just think about those condescending PC vs. Mac commercials, for example.

And here's the other thing in terms of just system performance there is no difference anymore. The reason: all new Apples use the same fucking Intel chips as the PCs do.

Of course, there is an argument to be made that OS X is superior to Vista, and which very likely may be. (For the record, I am using Vista right now, and dig it quite a bit. Whether it compares to OS X is hard for me to say.) Anyway, check out this guy's comments:

As I have said many, many times, there are good things about Apples and good things about PCs. If it makes sense to you to buy an Apple, go with god. And many Apple owners do just that, buy a product, use it and enjoy it. I’ve considered getting an Apple laptop in the past and may in the future. But it amazes me, absolutely amazes me, the number of Apple owners who lack the clarity or self-awareness to realize that purchasing a commodity from a enormous, soulless corporation that is also owned by several million other people doesn’t make you a unique and beautiful snowflake. Apple has a better PR campaign, better advertising and a more gullible, credulous customer base. That’s it. It’s got nothing to do with individuality or noncomformity. I know many people are probably saying that this is a completely banal thing to say but I am consistently astounded by otherwise smart people who will tell you different.

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