Monday, November 17, 2008

Another rightwinger thinks Barack Obama is Adolf Hitler

From a press release by Michael Savage, asshole right-wing radio host:
Nationally-syndicated talk show host Michael Savage is set to interview former German member of the Hitler Youth, Hilmar von Campe this Tuesday, November 18.
The program will focus on similarities, which von Campe sees between the rise of totalitarianism under Hitler and the current social and political trends inside the United States.
"Every day brings this nation closer to a Nazi-style totalitarian abyss," writes von Campe, now a U.S. citizen, and author of "Defeating the Totalitarian Lie: A Former Hitler Youth Warns America."
"Today in America we are witnessing a repeat performance of the tragedy of 1933 when an entire nation let itself be led like a lamb to the Socialist slaughterhouse. This time, the end of freedom is inevitable unless America rises to her mission and destiny."
Hilmar points to events surrounding the election of Barack Hussein Obama as reminiscent of the way the Nazi regime came to power.

I don't get it. I really don't. Have these people ever watched Obama speak? Check out the 60 minutes interview with Barack Obama and Michelle below. These people are the most normal people ever. (I guarantee you if there was a television interview with Adolf Hitler in 1933, his remarks would come off far from normal.)

You might not like his ideas or politics but comparing him to one of the biggest mass murders in history is a bit of demogaugery, don't you think?

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