Monday, November 24, 2008

Alan Colmes leaving "Hannity and Colmes"

It seems Sean Hannity is going to be flying solo from now on:

"Hannity & Colmes" at the end of the year. “I approached Bill Shine (FNC’s Senior Vice President of Programming) earlier this year about wanting to move on after 12 years to develop new and challenging ways to contribute to the growth of the network," Colmes said in a statement. "Although it’s bittersweet to leave one of the longest marriages on cable news, I’m proud that both Sean (Hannity) and I remained unharmed after sitting side by side, night after night for so many years.”

Is this really news, considering how little Alan Colmes contributes to the show? If a tree falls in the forest when no one is around, does it make a sound?

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