Thursday, November 13, 2008

Students chant 'Assassinate Obama' on school bus

(Hattip to Andrew Sullivan)

Apparently some kids in Idaho did this:
Whoolery and his wife couldn't believe it when their second and third graders got off the bus last week and told them what other students were saying.

"They just hadn't heard anything like this before," said Whoolery. "They were chanting on the bus, 'Assassinate Obama. Assassinate Obama.' Then adding in a name sometimes of a classmate on the bus, 'Assassinate Obama and Kate.'"

The Whoolery's explained to their kids what assassinate means then contacted the school about what was happening.

Obviously, this is some pretty ugly stuff. But what makes it even more ugly in my view is that in my view there is a racial tinge to all this. I doubt anyone would be chanting "assassinate John Edwards" or "assiassinate Hillary Clinton" on a schoolbus in Idaho. Despite the historic nature of Barack Obama's election, racism isn't over. But it will get better with time, I'm certain of that...

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