Tuesday, December 30, 2008

The Top Ten People Who Should Be Unemployed in a Just 2009

Gawker has a list of 10 people who should be unemployed in 2009. There are some obvious and great candidates like Mark Penn and Bill Kristol. But I particularly enjoyed number 10:

10. Everyone in New York By "everyone in New York" we mean, obviously, the type of people who actually think they represent "everyone in New York," which means people in media, finance, the "arts," publishing, and whatever the hell people who read blogs do all day, for a living. Not the "everyone in New York" that includes people who live in, like Staten Island or whatever. No, the ones who watch Gossip Girl. Basically all of these people should be unemployed, next year.

Yes, people who watch Gossip Girl should be unemployed.

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