Saturday, December 27, 2008

The Patriotic, Resilient, Conservative Resistance... Oh Brother

A friend sent me this email today:

As the first President with African-American lineage, Barack Obama’s election is a historic landmark in a long journey of purging the terrible scourge of slavery and racism from our nation’s soul. President Obama’s election is also historic because of his ideology and agenda. Obama is arguably the most liberal person to come to the White House. Ideas have consequences and Obama’s ideas, we predict, will have historic and perhaps devastating consequences on our nation.

We Resist!
With Obama and the Democrats in Congress already embarking on the implementation of their agenda, and hundreds of thousands of citizens across this nation unashamedly announce our Resistance.

Even if I don't agree with it, I am all about having a strong, thoughtful opposition party. If you look at the history of governments, anytime one party has too much power, they run into trouble because of their own hubris. An opposition is necessary to balance this hubris.

But I have to wonder what these people are afraid of? To a certain degree I can understand the cultural issues i.e. abortion and gay marriage. After all, it's hard to shake what you've been taught your whole life. But do these people really think that Obama's election will let the "terrorists win? " Do these really oppose universal health care on thoughtful principles or because their leaders them so? Do these people really think it's a bad idea to raise taxes on the rich and lower it on the middle class? Who knows...

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