Friday, December 26, 2008

Pakistan shifting troops from the Afghan Border

I'm not sure anyone in the U.S. realizes how close the possibility of an all-out Middle East war is after the attacks in Mumbai.

What do I mean? How about:

Rising tensions with India are prompting Pakistan to shift forces away from fighting the Taliban near the Afghan border and toward preparations for a subcontinental standoff. And of course they are — Pakistan has no choice but to make its situation vis-a-vis India its primary security concern. This is the sort of thing people really need to think harder about before talking about bringing India into NATO.

Meanwhile, it’s a reminder that all the clever counterinsurgency tactics in the world aren’t going to work as a substitute for a regional diplomatic strategy.

Both India and Pakistan have nuclear weapons and absolutely despise each other. And any attack of aggression is sure to start a war that could domino to Afghanistan and the Middle East. If we to prevent the possibility of a World War III, Barack Obama will have to make this one of his top priorities.

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