Monday, December 1, 2008

Ludacris stumping for Jim Martin in Georgia Senate Race

I feel bad for Jim Martin. First, the very popular president-elect, Barack Obama, has not stumped for him in his senate race against Saxby Chambliss. (This may be a smart, calculated political move by the Obama administration-- they don't want to waste their political capital on a race they'll probably lose-- but I think it's pretty cold-hearted too. John McCain and Sarah Palin have both already stumped for Chambliss. Why can't Obama make one trip down to Georgia to fire up the base?)

And now here comes this news:
Democrat Jim Martin wasn’t able to get President-elect Barack Obama to campaign for him, but he has enlisted the support of controversial rapper Ludacris.

Ludacris will be appearing at a rally at the state Capitol this afternoon to help Martin turn out supporters for the Georgia Senate runoff against Sen. Saxby Chambliss (R-Ga.)

Ugh. Don't get me wrong, I like Ludacris, but if this is the best Jim Martin can do, he is not only going to lose but he's going to lose big.

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